Thursday, January 26, 2006

The Ultimate Nerd

I'm starting a new little feature here inspired by this guy. Gary Reighn has built the Home Theater of his dreams - and he apparently dreams of the bridge on the starship Enterprise.

Currently, Gary is in the lead here as the Ultimate Nerd. Now, being the UN is not an insult by any means. I love nerds. I AM a nerd. Nerds rule. On IVL, being the Ultimate Nerd is an honour :) So from now on when I come across a particularly nerdy site or person I will plug them here, and see if they can top Gary.

On a side note, if I could build the home theater of my dreams, it would be something like this "Death Star" cinema:

I love me some TNG, but I'm definitely more of a Star Wars nerd than a Trekkie.

Written by atomicweightofcheese @ 4:52 PM ||


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