Wednesday, November 30, 2005

What's in a name?

Ever wondered just how many people call a carbonated soft drink "pop" and how many call it "soda"? Sure you have. I bet you were thinking about this just the other day. Well ponder this no more. Someone has created a survey that allows people across the country to state which term they use the most, and this person even made it easy for us to see what parts of the country each term is prevalent in (as well as notating that some people actually call the drink a "Coke." Go figure.)
Check it out:
Pop vs. Soda

This makes me want to see what other silly things I can dig up.

Ah here's a fun one in case you're a little bored at work and looking for a bit of amusement:

The Dialectizer - Turn any of your favorite websites into a parody of itself by translating the text into "Redneck" and "Cockney." This blog post has taken me about an hour to write because I stopped to play with this sucker :) Shortly, I will be passing the website on to coworkers and causing a general halt to everyone's productivity.

This isn't so much silly as it is interesting if you're etymologically-oriented like me: - Just scroll about half-way down the page to get an alphabetized list of common words and phrases and how they came to be. I dig stuff like this.

And here's a bunch of word games for the heck of it:

Oxford Word Games - Everything from Malapropisms to Anagrams.

Here's a little game for those of you weirdos who prefer playing with numbers:

Sudoku Online - This little game seems to be sweeping the 'Net right now. Everyone's playing it, everyone's addicted to it. Except me. I hate it.


At 6:29 PM, Blogger Matty G said...

I always said Soda, even when I lived in Nebraska... maybe that's why I was cast out.

I took one look at Sudoku and decided I'm with you - hate it. I didn't even think of trying to solve the puzzle - not even for a nano-second. I just sat there and stared at the squares, feeling my hatred build, until I clicked the "back" button.

At 6:35 PM, Blogger atomicweightofcheese said...

Yeah I say 'soda' too. Pop just feels... funny.

At 1:23 PM, Blogger TongaLH said...

How about translating sites into Snoop Dogg talk. Yeah. It's funny.


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