Sunday, July 31, 2005

Weird, but fun

Here's a couple of sites I love for reasons I cannot really fathom. Both are so weird as to defy description, and yet so completely addictive that I must share them.

First - I wish this one came with sound effects.

I don't know what to call it, but it's the weird freefalling woman that's making the rounds on the 'Net and you can have fun flinging her about with your mouse as you see fit.

You could always supply your own sound effects. I do :)

And last - I honestly have no clue what to call this... thing. The site calls it, "La Pate a Son." According to Babelfish it means "The paste has sound." Umm, okay. Anyway just load it up (requires shockwave) and play.


A site to remember

Snopes should be required viewing for every single netizen out there. Snopes is the ultimate myth debunking site and very handy when you want to feel smarter than your peers:

Ever get an email from a well-meaning friend or colleague warning you of the dangers of opening your front door if you hear a baby crying or that children are being kidnapped by abductors who cut the hair and change the clothes of their victims? Your first stop before buying extra door locks and GPS systems for your kids is to go to Snopes and do a quick search.

When you discover that most of these tear-jerker, fear-mongering emails are hoaxes you can then politely tell your friend or colleague they've been duped and maybe we can put an end to the madness.

Aside from being able to laugh at your friends for being duped, Snopes is actually quite a fun site to poke around just for the heck of it. Everything from urban legends like Bigfoot to the origins of April Fools Day can be found there.

Fair warning however, is that if you're viewing Snopes at work, turn off your volume because some pages (not all) have stupid music playing on them (called Midi music for anyone interested.) You get the option to turn it off, but not before it blares out loudly and causes everyone in the vicinity to look at you and realize you're not doing any work.


I suppose you want to know what this "IVL" thing is about eh? Ok, I'll tell you.

The rather dull definition of "IVL" is "In Virtual Life" as I've so thoughtfully included in the header at the top of the page. Newbies to the 'Net may not know that oftentimes users online tend to shorten words up wherever they can and the abundance of acronyms in cyberworld is greater than those used in the Army. IVL means the activities you get up to online, from email to chatting to surfing the web.

On the flipside of that, when chatting with another Netizen, you may find yourself having to explain that you need to leave the world of bits and bytes for a little while and tend to such mundane chores as mowing that patch of green stuff outside your home or running to this place called "the store" to replenish your supply of nourishment necessary for long spells back in your virtual life. Venturing away from your computer to attend to such things is referred to as "In Real Life" or "IRL."

So now the boring stuff's out of the way, on to the fun stuff. I spend a lot of time online. I work online, and I often hang out online in my spare time. I've been a devoted netizen for over ten years and in that time I've run the gamut on weird experiences and enjoyable amusements. I've been wanting a good place to have as a repository to share them all and now I've found it.

Lucky you :) blogs are collections of short, frequently updated posts by members of the Grand Island community and Nebraska natives. Bloggers, and comment posters, are solely responsible for what they say.

If you're interested in blogging for GetIndyKnow, email us at with some sample entries and we'll check 'em out.