Sunday, September 03, 2006

Chateau Guédelon

Here's a good reason to move to France, if you're a history buff of any kind: Chateau Guédelon.

It's a living history project that sort of came about because a man, Michel Guyot, thought it would be interesting to attempt to build a castle using only medieval techniques. 13th century techniques to be exact.

And so, for the next twenty years, he and a team of about 45-50 carpenters, stonemasons and craftsmen will build this castle using only materials in the surrounding areas and without the aid of things like power tools and forklifts. Horsepower literally means horsepower as materials are brought in by carts

Tourists can watch it in action and after securing initial funding to get the project off the ground, the project now need only rely on tourism to fund itself.

I think it's just spiffy.

Written by atomicweightofcheese @ 4:34 PM ||


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