Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The little brown dress

The fashion anti-statement was carried out by a performance artist named Alex who designed and wore a little brown dress every day for one year (yes, of course she washed it.)

Her statement:
I am making one small, personal attempt to confront consumerism by refusing to change my dress for 365 days.

In this performance, I intend to reject our sweat-shop-supporting economy of over-consumption, and the bill of goods that has been sold, especially to women, about what makes a person good, attractive and interesting. Clothes are certainly part of this image, and the expectation is immense. The economic resources required to regularly purchase newly-manufactured clothing in retail stores are staggering - a hundred dollars for one new shirt!

As a brand new working mom with a new family budget, these economies are coming sharply into focus for me. Even my beloved second-hand shopping requires time, effort, and energy that saps my attention from the more vital parts of my life - being with my family, making artwork, tending the garden, growing my community, keeping a watchful eye on the government, reading new books, learning new skills, singing new songs ... I intend to make good use of my energy saved!

On her site, there's a blog and photo gallery and while the project ended on July 7th, it's still kind of interesting to read her journal.

Written by atomicweightofcheese @ 3:41 PM ||


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