Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Your dog wants some shades

Doggles. Hehehe. That's fun to say. Doggles. Yep, shades for your pooch. And these aren't just any shades, these are cooool shades. Your pup can be stylin'.

Doggles are superbly made sunglasses. For dogs. Do not adjust your computer, you read that correctly. Incredible though it sounds, many vets and dogtors agree that canine eyes need protecting from the sun just as much as ours. All Doggles boast rugged polycarbonate (shatterproof) anti-fog lenses with 100% UV protection, and are ggggreat for dogs with eye disorders such as pannus and light sensitivity. Doggles are genuine doggy-health must-haves, and most dogs will readily accept them after a short adjustment period.

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