Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Improv Everywhere

Two posts in one day! I am on a roll! :)

So these people decided to "prank" Best Buy. I say prank but I don't think it is an actual prank so much as a chance to cause a scene and have some fun. This site is dedicated to organized fun and according to their FAQ - they strive to "bring excitement to otherwise unexciting locales and give strangers a story they can tell for the rest of their lives. We're out to prove that a prank doesn't have to involve humiliation or embarrassment; it can simply be about making someone smile."

Their website is and you can read their hilarious missions there. But the one that caught my eye is their latest mission which targeted Best Buy. The plan was to get as many "agents" together as possible, dress like Best Buy employees, enter the store and help customers.

They've got pics and video of the event. Great stuff!

Written by atomicweightofcheese @ 5:42 PM ||


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