Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Dress Kevin

Kevin is a young techie living in Yuppieville, New Jersey. According to his friends he is a hopeless disaster when it comes to picking out clothes to wear either to work out out for social functions.

As he says, "I didn't know what to wear, so I made a website."

He's turned to us, the wandering nomads of cyberspace (man I am just using ALL the outdated euphemisms today!) to help him figure out what to wear. You can visit his website,, and actually view photos of his entire wardrobe down to his accessories and vote on what you think he should wear the next day.

It's fun. It's kitschy. It will kill some time so check it out :)

Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Doteaters

Thanks to Wil Wheaton for highlighting this spiffy site: The Doteaters.

I'm fairly geeky though admittedly not as geeky as Wil. I've played my share of D&D. I work with computers, I love Star Wars/Trek (well TNG anyway)... and back in the day I had an Intellivision. I wore out so many of those little overlays playing Dungeons and Dragons :)

Anyway, Doteaters is a Really Cool site that looks back at the history of gaming - from Pong to adventure text games ("You are in a maze of twisty passages...") and it also includes a handy timeline of videogames.

Check it out.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Mcvideogaming and Walt Disney

I have a couple of links to share and neither of them have anything to do with each other. This first one is something I've been meaning to post on here and just haven't got round to it and the other one I just came across this morning and because I love Disney, it spurred me into action.

If you're a fan of The Sims, you may enjoy this little game of corporate politics and greed called "McVideogame." You're given a certain amount of money to either make or break a successful McDonald's franchise. You have to buy the products, the soy fields, create ad campaigns, keep your employees and customers happy as well as your board of directors - and you have to do whatever it takes, even if that means bribery. Check it out and see how long you can keep your McDonald's going.

The other link that's worth a look if you're any kind of a Disneyland/world fan is a virtual tour of the inside of Walt Disney's apartment overlooking the town square on Main street in Disneyland. It's a rare glimpse into his apartment and it offers a 360 degree view and commentary by Disney Historian, Tim O'Day.

I thought it was spiffy :)

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Where's George?

Today I got one of those dollar bills covered in stamps with the URL "" all over it. I'd heard about this website a while ago and checked it out, then I promptly forgot about it because I did not have a cool dollar bill covered in stamps until now :)

According to the site my little dollar bill was entered into their system 128 days ago in Omaha and from then until now it has travelled 177 miles.

People leave little comments about where they got the money and what condition it was in. It's oddly fascinating, sort of like tracking a message in a bottle. You can enter in any dollar bill and let others start tracking its journey as well so give it a go sometime :) blogs are collections of short, frequently updated posts by members of the Grand Island community and Nebraska natives. Bloggers, and comment posters, are solely responsible for what they say.

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